Volunteers and supporters like you mean everything to us. It’s been two years since we’ve been able to properly acknowledge your hard work, dedication and incredible generosity.

In April, that changed. We held our first virtual Lisa V. Ford Heart & Soul Awards. Hooray!

Typically, The Children’s Center sees over 1,800 volunteers in a year. With COVID, we weren’t sure if we could have any. But through some creativity we welcomed 300 volunteers in 2020.

These incredible individuals supported countless virtual programs and even some limited in-person opportunities. Without amazing volunteers (like you!) we would not have been able to put on the programs that our families know, love, and truly depend on – like Holiday Shop, Back to School Bazaar, Birthday Parties, and the Clothing Boutique and Food Pantry.

YOU made these vital services happen and we are forever grateful. We’d also like to give a special shoutout to the recipient of this year’s Lisa V. Ford Heart & Soul Award, Joann Al Hachimi. Joann, your truly amazing work all-year really makes a difference.

We are so grateful to all of you!

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