The Children’s Center Holiday Shop serves 1500 children annually. Holiday Shop invites parents and guardians to shop free of charge, for their children from a wide-array of new, donated items displayed in a festive holiday atmosphere. The gifts are then wrapped to take home and put under the tree!
Three levels of sponsorship are available: Bronze, Silver, and Gold. Without the support of our event sponsors, TCC’s Annual Holiday Shop would not be possible.
In-Kind Donations:
During Holiday Shop, parents & guardians are invited to shop for items for their families. Items include a large item for each child (valued at approximately $25), a stocking stuffer ($5 and under), a book, and hat & gloves for each child, as well as a blanket and a $25 Grocery gift card for the family to purchase ingredients for a holiday meal. Donations of all these items will be accepted Nov 18-21, 25-27 & Dec 2-5 between 10:00 AM – 6:00 PM at The Children’s Center. Or, shop from our Amazon Wishlist and have your donations shipped directly to us!
Online Donations:
Every donation toward our Holiday Shop is appreciated and truly does make a difference! Your online, tax-deductible donation will help support this event. Restrict your donation to the event by including “Holiday Shop 2024” in the comment box.
Volunteer Opportunities:
It takes many hands to make this holiday event a success! Shifts are available to set up and decorate prior to shopping days, assist shoppers during the event, and with cleaning up afterward. We can accommodate groups of up to 20 per shift, making this a great team building opportunity!
Thank you to our 2024 Sponsors!
Silver Sponsors

Bronze Sponsors

Deb Allen

For more information contact us at asilletti@thechildrenscenter.com