ADHD Groups are designed to empower parents in the management of their child’s ADHD symptoms and to help their children succeed.

Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a chronic condition that presents in a number of ways: inattention, hyperactivity, and impulsive behavior that is maladaptive and developmentally inappropriate. Our ADHD clinic works with children ages 6-12, and their parents, in a group setting, to help them cope with ADHD. Because of your support we are able to serve 100 children and parents each year through this program. You are helping families understand one another and thrive!

The program works because both children and parents work on understanding ADHD, managing ADHD and developing similar skills at the same time, but in separate stress-free environments. They learn in an appropriate way for their level of understanding, with peers for support and therapists for guidance.

Treatment goals are developmentally appropriate and target a range of skill areas such as communication, sociability, self-care, play and leisure, motor development, and academic skills. Therapists meet regularly with family members to review progress and make needed adjustments.

Thank you for helping families in Detroit overcome the challenges of ADHD!

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