David SanchezSenior Director of External Relations & Advocacy

    David’s extensive professional experience has given him a deep understanding of public engagement and advocacy. His deep empathy is rooted in his commitment to crucial causes such as immigrant rights, labor organizing, and advocating for reproductive health. David began his advocacy journey in 2015 at the Detroit Hispanic Development Corporation, where he spearheaded community engagement initiatives and developed strong partnerships with both community and governmental leaders.


    His unique background in government and public service includes leadership positions in the offices of Senator Mary Cavanagh and Congresswoman Brenda Lawrence. He also served as the Director of the Government Relations Department for Planned Parenthood of Michigan and Planned Parenthood Advocates of Michigan. Additionally, he played key roles as a community organizer at Michigan United and SEIU Local 1.


    David actively contributes to the board of directors for Latin Americans for Social and Economic Development (LA SED) in his hometown of Southwest Detroit. He is a graduate of the University of Michigan-Dearborn and is certified as a project management professional.

    Beyond his professional work, David treasures time spent with his family, enjoying walks to the park with his young children and family outings at the movies. He cherishes holiday gatherings and birthday celebrations with his large extended family.