Marie Kondo, the author of The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up, has us all digging through our closets and asking ourselves “Does this shirt spark joy?” after her hit book and Netflix documentary series. If you are one of her recent fanatics, or just doing some spring cleaning, remember that The Children’s Center has a Boutique that can take all of those clothes, shoes, toys, and more!

The Boutique is a one-stop shop for our parents and caregivers to pick out clothes for the whole family. They can also choose household items, toys and non-perishable food when available — at no cost!

When you donate your items, our dedicated volunteers sort, fold and hang everything and always check the quality of donated items to make sure our families are shopping with dignity. The Boutique would truly not be possible without the thousands of donated items we receive from YOU all year long.

We’re also thankful for the hundreds of volunteers who help sort and hang items, manage the store, and help customers. If you are interested in donating check out this page with all of the details!

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