Imagine if every day you heard the sound of gun shots outside your home.

If it didn’t surprise you to see your neighbor’s house on fire or gangs walking down the street with guns.

How would you feel? What would you do if you couldn’t leave?

Chris and her boys, Maliik and DeMarcus, lived this reality. For five years, they worried, living in constant fear, vulnerability and danger. Wondering if they were going to be hurt or killed.

Now they are in a safer neighborhood. But the trauma and scars of what they’ve seen and heard endure and could affect their lives forever.

DeMarcus, 6, has a difficult time being alone and wails at school if he is separated from his brother. Maliik, 10, was diagnosed with post-traumatic stress disorder, unable to sleep in his own bed at night. Chris was recently diagnosed with a colon cancer and is struggling with how to care for her family.

What will happen? And, more importantly, how can you help?

The good thing is, you can help. GIVE NOW.

Because of people like you DeMarcus, Maliik and Chris have received individual and family therapy from The Children’s Center for two years – helping them cope at home, at school and in their community.

Despite the incredible outcomes treatment creates, families like Chris’ cannot afford to pay for specialized treatment. Won’t you continue to be a part of their pathway to healing – helping mend the hearts, repair wounds and sow seeds of a beautiful future for children like DeMarcus and Maliik.

We need you, they need you; help us help them heal, one child at a time.

Healing Detroit’s most vulnerable children from trauma and abuse is only possible with your help.

With deepest gratitude,


Debora Matthews
President & CEO, The Children’s Center

P.S. Maliik and DeMarcus are doing better in school and receiving praise for their behavior. Please send your most generous gift to ensure children like Maliik and DeMarcus receive the therapy they need to heal and thrive. Thank you!