Heal Children, Heal Detroit

Rebuilding Detroit should start from the ground up; with our kids.

It’s tough for many Detroit children to realize their true potential. Even the brightest children have the odds stacked against them when they’re trapped in a cycle of abuse, neglect and poverty. Your investment in our evidence-based programs will empower children to heal, grow and thrive. When you heal a child, you help heal Detroit. It’s an investment that you can be proud of.

Debora Matthews
President & CEO
The Children’s Center

You can help heal Detroit’s children. Click Heal Children, Heal Detroit to learn more or donate to our 2013 Winter Appeal.

P.S. Help us spread the word on Facebook. All you have to do is upload one of our cover photos created especially for this campaign. Click to choose and download your favorite Facebook cover photo now.

If you’re on Twitter, just include this hash tag (#HealChildrenHealDetroit) and shortened link (http://bit.ly/1aav9C0) in your tweets.

Thank you for your help!